Very early Wednesday morning, Wes Craven tweeted the exciting news that filming had wrapped on "Scream 4," the latest and arguably most anticipated installment of his "Scream" franchise. But when MTV caught up with leading lady Emma Roberts at the Toronto International Film Festival where she was promoting "It's Kind of a Funny Story," there was still about a week left of shooting, and she still had a metaphoric gun to her head to not give away any surprises from the film."This is the kind of thing that I will be murdered if I say anything else. I'm terrified right now," Emma said with a shaky laugh when MTV's Josh Horowitz prodded her for information. "It's basically like if you say anything to anyone that's not here, we'll kill you. We'll send the "Scream" guy to your house and kill you. So if he's outside my door, I know I'm in trouble."
She gave some very basic information about her character, like the fact her name is Jill and that she's Sydney Prescott's cousin. (Sydney, for the uninitiated, is Neve Campbell's character, who was the leading lady in the original trilogy). Beyond that, Emma was mum.
"It's going to be really fun," Emma said vaguely. "I think that this is the best one, dare I say. It's amazing because they have the original cast—Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Neve Campbell—and then we have this whole new young cast we're introducing that's, to name a few, me, Hayden Panettiere, Rory Culkin who I've done a few movies with, which is great, and Wes Craven's directing this one, and he's just one of the coolest people I've ever met."
As for whether or not this could be the start of a new "Scream" trilogy for the younger generation of actors, Emma got a little nervous, and answered hesitantly, "You know, you never know, it could be. You're going to have to wait and see." That sounds like a "yes" to us!
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